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Minimum Purchase:
2 units
Maximum Purchase:
8 units

Due to overwhelming demand we are unable to take on new customers at the moment, but you can pre-order for delivery by 9/December

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Due to overwhelming demand we are unable to take on new customers at the moment, but you can pre-order for delivery by 9/December.

When you place your first order we deliver full 45 kg LPG cylinders to your home.

Please order the total number of cylinders you want to have at home. This is almost always two. If you want to have more than two cylinders, a current location compliance certificate is required.

When you reorder you'll normally order just one cylinder at a time. The two cylinder minimum is for your first order only.

If you're moving into a new property you'll usually want the gas delivered on the date you move in, and not before. In that case please enter the date you move in above, and we'll deliver your cylinders on that date. Please allow three working days notice, we deliver Monday to Friday.

Please select the option to pay by bank deposit or credit card. We charge a little extra to cover the additional cost of credit card payment. We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express. To avoid the credit card charge please pay by bank deposit.

We charge a cylinder rental of $4 per month per cylinder. This is automatically added to your order. We charge you for your first month of cylinder rental when you place your first order and we keep you up to date as you order refills so there's no annual cost to worry about.

We currently deliver to Christchurch and Kaiapoi addresses only, specifically the following postcodes: 7630, 7670, 7672, 7676, 7678, 7691, 7692, 8011, 8013, 8014, 8022, 8023, 8024, 8025, 8041, 8051, 8052, 8053, 8061, 8062 and 8083. Sorry, we don't currently deliver to Lyttelton or Sumner addresses. We can also deliver to most of the 8042 postcode. For the 8042 postcode please contact us to confirm your address.